1 jan. 2010

My First Blog 2010

So folks!
A new year, a new decennium... What are your promises, your wishes, your sacrifices and your plans this year?

I have been waiting so long for this year to come, because I'll finish school and.. (see?) I'm still used to say "school" even though I'm a graduate student x) If all goes well, I'll receive my Bachelor's degree this summer!

This means a lot of changes to come, it really is scary, so scary I can't decide what to do and what to expect. All my life I've been relying on going to school. Sure, I have worked during a couple of summers and stuff, but this year it's for real! I guess it's called "starting a carreer". Scary! Do I know enough to do my work? Do I have the proper attitude towards other people? Will I be accepted as I am? Am I prepared for getting a real job??? OMG Where would be suitable for me to work and do they even recruite noobs like me or should I just go commite suicide?

*calming down*

My first blog this year and I'm freaking out. Good start for my new plans. (What plans?)

But let's NOT call them plans then.

But I have made some promises:

¤ MORE PROGRAMMING - as a programmer, I suck! My goal is to graduate in June, without sucking in programming! X(

¤ Less stress! - I stress a lot and sleep a little, and I want to get rid of that! Even though someone told me I was born programmer because of that xD

¤ More drawing - I love drawing and I know I can get much better. If I only spent more time drawing. I need to organize my time MUCH better! Yes, that should be included too!

¤ Organize time better - Or maybe I should say: Organize time. Hopefully I'll get to the "better"-part soon enough.

¤ Play more games - I don't play games often. And ironically, since I began study game development I've been playing even less than my sister who's a researcher on Rheumatology -.-' (I AM ashamed)

¤ Be nicer to my family - that's a kind of secret one. Everyone is talking about how smiling makes your life longer and "love the ones who loves you" and stuff. I DO love them. I really do. But I'm not gonna fake any smiles or pretend I'm not irritated by their mistakes. This year I'll try NOT to get irritated. People DO mistakes. And I'll try to appreciate my family more. Then I won't have to fake any smiles.

Sadly, the last one seems the hardest one of them T_T

Happy New Year To You All!

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