10 nov. 2010

3 months and game making

3 months since last update! That's been a while! I've had family issues and moving from one apartment to another and boring stuff that I'm glad is partly over. On the other hand, I've been working with my minigame Army of One (working title), that I originally started building with the help of a tutorial series on Youtube. That was during summer when I thought that my programming skills still sucked and I had to do something about it. Feeling a bit more comfortable with programming, I developed it and added stuff like score counter and timer.
One day I got email from my university, saying that they will show students' work during Gamex 2010, the biggest game convension in Scandinavia. I first hesitated to participate but two weeks later I signed up! It was really a fun and inspiring experience but I had to work really hard to make my game-ish prototype really playable and worth to show. I added better graphics (but still a programmer's art really...), made a highscore list, changed the environment and the whole menu design, added sound effects and more eye candy. I'm really pleased with what I've achieved during such a short time, and don't feel like a noob anymore :P

The evening before Gamex, I got an email from the responsible saying that my game isn't working properly!! I panicked and a started to try and fix stuff, the problem lied within the frame update because of the processor. I had from the beginning programmed all movements so they won't be frame dependant, but the problem now was that since it was lagging, the avatar leaped through the small level and even if that's fair in a racing game, it's totally unneccessary in my game. Then everything was different - what went fast on my computer went really slowly on the other computer, so I really had to customize the code for that computer from distance, fixing problems I couldn't see :S
Late at night I received the awated email, saying that it works, the character isn't as fast as it should be but it's still playable and working pretty well. Rest assured, I fell on sleep and the next 4 days, 4th-7th of November, I spent on Gamex LIVING the game industry :P

Gamex was the best thing happening to me during 2010, I slept a little, I didn't eat while there, and because of the high volume on everything, I screamed my voice off during the conversations. But I loved it, I really felt "this is my home" and enjoyed every minute being there - so much that the guard had to come get me when I and my friend was playing Marvel vs Capcom 3 after closing time! XD

I've also started "studying" in a distance based 1 year long course! During this year, until June 2011, I'll be working on a game project, and I decided to remake Army of One and really develop it to be a proper game to publish, this time also in Unity game engine. It's so exciting and I get great advice from different tutors and teachers, and I'm putting my soul into this one. Right now I'm on the conceptualization phase and not everything is set, but after two meetings with my tutor, my head is soon exploding from all the inspiration!
But I still need a few more people to work with me, I'm doing this project with my brother who's the producer, but I'm the director and need atleast one or two more to help me with the programming and with the design/concept arting. If things goes well, the production phase will start during January 2011.

I'll blog more about my progress so stay tuned! But right now I really have to wash the dishes!


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