15 apr. 2010

I'm le tired

[Note: This was originally written on March 29th but I just realized that I never published it lol]

Two months left and I drag my feet along the time, trying to do my best in everything I'm asked to do. It's been really hectic, these days. Only things we (the programmers) have heard from the other team members are negative things and sarcastic looks and stuff like that, it's so sickening! Yesterday, the other programmer, my best friend, couldn't take it anymore, she was so furious and mad and I could only agree with her. Not only were we beginners in this bransch, in Unity3D and in programming, we don't even have a tutor, someone physically present to show the code to and ask for help from. And all we get is crap. I don't think the others understand how much effort we put into this, how hard we try to make things work. If there's no desirable result, then they consider it as if there wasn't effort enough. I've started to wonder if this is some kind of an intro to my life as a programmer, if I'll be treated like this until I become senior or something.
Today we had a meeting and I could barely hold back my anger. I don't know if I made it clear that I can't take their attitude anymore, but after a while of my bitterness, they seemed to rethink a bit and talk to me with more respect.
I made them show more examples on what they want and told them over and over that they should take into account the team's competence, and that this and that will be hard for us to figure out because we've been trying to solve it for some time.

I really hope things will get better soon. They chose me to be the producer for the rest of the course and even though it made me happy that they believed in me, I knew it only meant more work. What's worse is that I didn't even get as little as a comment from previews producers about how things are going, how they were planning things, and stuff. Our backlogs were so dated and everything was so falling apart in disorder, that I think they chose me as the last producer just to blame everything on me later on.
Oh Jee, I feel the emoness embrace me. No, actually, what they said was that I'm the most administrative one and the group need that right now. I hope I'll be able to fix that part atleast. I'll do my best in everything I'm asked to do.

2 kommentarer:

  1. I can't believe that some people don't appreciate how hard it is for the programmer, when he or she is new to the language and everything.

    When we were working with 3DP, I just felt ashamed because I couldn't help you guys and you were at it day and night to fix things. =/

    I want to think that it won't be like this in the real world! Ideally everyone will have the same passion for the project and mutual respect within the team. :) If you're in the business I believe it's because you have ideas and want to express them! Hopefully there won't be any quiet hatred going on behind the curtains, but rather really loud and passionate OPEN discussions. :)) It's so much easier working with people when they say what's on their mind and what's bothering them! That's why I liked working with you guys alot. :) Hope we can do it again in the future!

    Is it okay if I link your blog on mine?? =D

  2. Yeah some people are so hard to work with because of all the "behing the curtains"-thingy... when there's no team spirit in a team, it easily gets like that. But I'm trying to force that in our team, we're almost there and I really don't want to fail! X)
    For me, 3DP was one of the few courses during which I really experienced true team spirit, real team work :D I really don't think you'd feel ashamed!! You did a lot! Besides from the main character, who wrote the critique and organized all the files appropriately and saved our grades? Hm? :) The only shame there is, is that we didn't get to use the plant properly.
    I like your style and your passion, ofcourse I want to work with you too :D

    And ofcourse you may link! ^^
